Medical Vacation

wellnessAs many of you are aware the Mayan Riviera has been the number one vacation destination in Mexico and the Caribbean for many years. Beautiful beaches, unique cuisine and the melting pot of cultures entices travellers over and over world-wide!

An emerging trend of health and wellness has increased in the past years thus we are on point and on the cutting edge with regards to medical treatments available.

Tired of the high cost of treatments or long waits? Professional, qualified doctors and technicians are available here at a fraction of the cost with appointments in a timely manner.

Available services include;

-Dentistry: cleaning, tooth caps, checkups, whitening
-Skin Treatments: Skin Renewal and Peelings, Radio Frequency, Facials, Carboxi
-Massage & Chiropractor
-Alternatives to Surgery: Botox, Vampire Therapy, Restoral, Collagen, Fillers
-Lasik Eye Surgery
-Plastic Surgery

Here are some highlights of treatments I have personally tried and would highly recommend!

dentistryDentistry – I am Canadian and have always gone for regular cleanings.  Ironically, even with 80% insurance coverage a cleaning was still significantly more expensive than the regular price here.  For around $50 you can get a state of the art cleaning with no old fashioned metal tools picking at your teeth.  My clinic uses a vibrating tool that gently cleans away plaque at the gum line. Amazing! They also do teeth whitening which lasts 1+ years for $250.  I have not personally done this due to tooth sensitivity so they recommended against it (nice that they did not just want to make money and do something not right for me!) I have used clinical whitening gels and 6 vials is about $60.


Massage – Given my occupation I often suffer from sore muscles and unfortunately the occasional injury.  As an avid consumer of massages…love them!….I was turned onto a type of therapy that combines radio frequency and massage to combat tough knots, it even cured a tendinitis issue in my hand! Radio frequency is a machine that allows for a deep penetration in muscles and tissues. The benefit is that persistent knots and in my case a tendinitis cyst can be broken down and massaged out in order to permanently treat them.  The frequency machine is a wand that is used in a massaging method over the troublesome spot(s) for about 20 minutes followed by 40 minute massage for about $50.  Win win situation, totally. The wand is warming, at times to the point if feels like burning but trust me you are not burning. Of course you can let the therapist know if it is too hot and it can be adjusted. Guess I was raised to think that without pain it does not count! Needless to say I have had much success with this therapy and later found out that it can be used with low frequency on your face to improve skin tone and encourage natural collagen growth.  How on earth do they discover these things?!

*The facial treatment combines a regular facial with the radio frequency with quite dramatic results. I had a friend try it out and swears it was a “face lift in an hour”. She was super impressed and for $50 well worth this non surgical treatment. I later saw this treatment on an American  tv talk show which said that for 8 treatments is $3000 usd in New York city! That will pay for a very nice week long vacation along with your treatments. Just saying…* To see major results 4+ treatments recommended.


Lasik Eye Surgery– About 5 years ago I was disappointed and shocked to know that your vision can change seemingly in a day! Let’s just say that there are many great things about being in your 40’s but vision changes at this time are common.  I was faced with needing new contact lenses, eye glasses and reading glasses so I decided it might be time to consider eye surgery. After much research I found a surgeon in Cancun who has the Lasik machine, studied in Canada where it was developed and has done the surgery for many years. I called for a consult and got an appointment within a day or so.  After finding out that I was a good candidate for the surgery I was asked what prompted me to decide to do this now.  The doctor obviously had a crystal ball that could see that I was in my 40’s and too vain to start wearing reading glasses! He proceeded to predict exactly that and told me that he had performed 700+ such surgeries on women all in the same situation and was able to correct one eye completely that will “see” and the other eye slightly less than perfect that will “read”. No, I don’t have to close one eye to see and one to read! Your eyes adjust naturally and within a couple of days following the surgery I forgot that I had ever needed corrective vision.  I described it as a miracle and was amazed at how incredibly clear my vision was compared to having to use contact lenses or glasses. I even had to get all new sun glasses as my old ones all seemed scratched which I never noticed before. Apparently, the reading part of the surgery can last up to 10 years. I am on around the 5th year and no glasses yet…just some pretty cool ray bans! $1400usd for both eyes. Remarkable savings.

healthy meals

To make your Wellness Vacation complete, how does a customized and personal food service sound?

As a caterer I am often asked to provide food services for vacationers who want to continue their healthy lifestyle even while on vacation. Gone are the days of putting on 5 pounds during a week long vacation! Good bye all inclusive buffets, say yes to delicious and healthy food choices. UNO customizes menus to include calorie reduced, made without gluten and varying diet needs with great results.

wellness blogSo if you are considering a Wellness Vacation in the beautiful Riviera Maya contact us! We can assist from start to finish including your vacation rental, airport transportation, pre consult with physician +/or clinic, appointments, transportation to and from appointments, food services, recovery planning and follow up.

Written by Susan de Lima